Gallery Stock
Events 2025
CADA Fair Highlights - Chelsea Town Hall, London SW3,
March 20 -23
(click on image thumbnail to expand for specific details)
Additional images of any item can be sent on request
Austin F.
Austin R.S.
Burgess W.
Collier T.
De Wint P.
Duncan E.
Foster M.B.
Goodall W.
Kilburne G.G.
Knight C.
Marshall H.M.
Marshall H.M.
Marshall H.M. (Attrib)
Medlycott H.J.
Medlycott H.J.
Petherick J.
Samuel G.
Smith W.H.C.
Todd R.
Varley J.
Selection of Gallery Stock - in alphabetical order
(click on image thumbnail to expand for specific details)
Additional images of any item can be sent on request
Absolon J.
Adams C.J.
Anderson W.
Austin S.
Ball W.
Bates D.
Beverley W.R.
Birch S.J.L.
Branwhite C.B.
Burgess W.
Caffieri H.
Callow J.
Callow W.
Campion G.B.
Chadwick E.A.
Chadwick E.A.
Coleridge F.G.
Coverley-Price V.
Enoch A.H.
Fielding A.V.C.
Fripp G.A.
Gere C.M.
Gere C.M.
Gere M.
Glendening A.
Glover S.M.
Glover S.M.
Goodwin A.
Groenewegen A.
Harrington C.
Hills R.
Hine H.G.
Hine H.G.
Hutton T.S.
Jackson S.P.
Joy W.
Jutsum H.
Jutsum H.
Kennedy C.
Kinnaird H.J.
Kirkpatrick J.
Leitch W.L.
Leitch W.L.
Lloyd T.J.
Macpherson J.
Macpherson J.
Manners W.
Marshall R.A.K.
Martineau E.
Nash F.
Orrock J.
Orrock J.
Parsons A.W.
Payne H.
Pearson C. & Wainewright T.
Penstone E.
Pilsbury W.
Pitchforth R.V.
Prinsep T.
Prout J.S.
Richardson T.M. Jnr.
Rieck E.
Robertson C.
Robins T.S.
Salmon J.F.
Salmon J.F.
Skelton J.R.
Skill F.J.
Sorrell E.
Todd R.
Varley J.
Varley J.
Waite R.T.
Waite R.T.
Walters G.S.
Walters G.S.
Warren B.E.
Watts J.T.
Weatherill G.
Weedon A.W.
Weedon A.W.
White J.
Whymper J.W.
Wolfe G.
Wolfe G.
Young J.
Contemporary Artists:
(click on image thumbnail to expand for specific details)
Additional images of any item can be sent on request
Owen F.
Owen F.J.